An Inglorious Moment

It was a long red light. Really long.

While waiting, I was thinking back over my day....about how God had
used an amazingly thoughtful friend in my day to specifically address an early morning conversation I had with Him over my first cup of coffee. While reflecting in the darkness, the glow of red light softy lighting my space, I subconsciously lift my finger towards my left nostril and proceed to passionately dig for what must have been a major roadblock to clear breathing.

I continue reflecting over my day, only this time about the visit I had from a sweet, insightful and refreshingly real woman. I want to be like her. And if I can't be like her, I would at least like to understand and prepare good food like she does.

Still thinking, perusing, musing.........and digging. With my middle finger. Why I chose that particular digit, I am not sure. Perhaps it's length was necessary. I have no idea. I wasn't thinking about the disgusting fact that my finger was seriously making out with my nose


I noticed the cute young guy in the blazing red truck beside my dirty white mom-mobile, staring at me in total amusement.


The white mom-mobile slowly inches up as close as it can to the intersection without being broadsided, slithering out of cool red pickup guy's line of sight, with the mom driving it wondering when on earth she became incapable of thinking without picking at some orifice of her or her children's bodies. When did I revert to this primal being? What's next? Scratching my armpit while waiting for my child to jump off the edge of the neighborhood pool?


The good news is, I got over it rather quickly. Besides, he wasn't as hot as the guy I was going home too. Not even close.


Before I close this little diary of my day, I would like to thank God for His very personal care. I like to think of my relationship with Him as personal, and our conversations as "just between the two of us". I am careful not to use Him or my relationship with Him as something to talk up in order to enhance my image, or to gain approval and applaud. But there are times when it is good to share the goodness of God.

At the close of this day, I simply acknowledge the fact that was made plain to me today, and that is true for ALL of us, always:

So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.

God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time.

Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.

-1 Peter 5, The Message

Be you. Live out your mission. It does not look like anyone else's.

Pick your nose in your car. It is OKAY.


For we are cared for.

More than we know.

And that's a good way to end any day.


Anonymous said…
i dont know you in person but my cousin tara sangrey told me of your blog!! i stop by often and have such a wonderful laugh!! thanks so much for making me smile!!! this post is just tooo GREAT!!!!!

Sarah from ohio!!
ajwatson722 said…
haha....I can just see it! I love your honesty and your insights! love you!
Sylvia said…
Once again, you have me laughing so hard! Just think of it as providing a great moment in a stranger's day.
Loved this post. Love your blog.. Hope you will stop by...I just added some extra giveaways...
So glad to have a few hours to blog hop.

Marian said…
Love your blog and your honesty!! I keep coming back to be inspired by you...and when I find myself 'knuckle-deep' I will think of you!
That was too funny!! I have totally done that too (but somehow without a hot guy staring at me)...where are those darn kleenex when you need them?
Jena said…
absolutely love it...
oh so much truth....

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