Tickled Red
I am tickled red.
When we bought this house, we acquired a strawberry and black raspberry patch and while the harvest will not push us into the Strawberry Jam business, the bright red deliciousness that I picked this afternoon left me extremely delighted.
If you're game, join me down a path of thought, just a few steps down it. I'll start by pointing out that charming little green collander that the berries are resting in.
Her spirit and passion are so 'up front' upon meeting her there is an inrresistable pull to find out more. Her Creator has set her on a mission to meet the needs of His little children in Rwanda and has given her the passion to do it. Because she is uncumbered by religion and duty, and because she has been so deeply affected by Love, she is FREE, having given herself space to BLOOM and able to carry out the sometimes amazing, sometimes heartbreaking adventure she finds herself in.
And that is what has been on my heart. For myself, and for women in general...
Being FREE.
Untangled from expectation, obligation, duty, tradition that result from
perhaps years of well-intentioned 'doing what's always been done', but has little to no reflection of the vibrancy and uniqueness of purpose to the life God intended for His children.
"Don't think I've come to make life cozy. I've come to cut-make a sharp knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and mother in law- cut through these cozy domestic arrangements* and free you for God." -Matthew 10
(or whatever 'arrangements' that might keep you from going along with Him)
If need be, removing oneself from any or all of the good things we do because it's 'what we do'...or, at the very least, not doing them in our striving to please God. I sense so much of this tired 'striving' among women and it makes me sad, for i know that He does not want our tired striving, any more than a husband wants a wife who exist with an air of martyrdom in their partnership. He's delighted in us! Utterly delighted. And not just that, but if your heart is stirring regarding a long-held dream or your passion is building over a recent discovery- don't ignore it! If you are good at something, do not downplay it or write it off as boastful if you admit to enjoying it. Don't squelch these longings with overly scheduled living, where the tiny blossoms of desire are squashed in the mad dash out the door. For these very stirrings, passions and gifts have been given to you on purpose--and to be used!!!!
They led Laurel to the orphanages of Rwanda (see the result of her passion here)...they led another woman I recently read of to show love to the women employed by their town's Strip Clubs (read about it here)...and someday, I hope to complete the children's story I have in my heart. Right now, my desire is to raise children to know the Love of God, to realize their own unique adventures and to open my home to anyone who needs a retreat.
Our adventures are as unique to us as our fingerprints. No two look exactly-or perhaps anything-alike.
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.
Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it.
Learn from the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
-Matthew 11
Guess what? God is not interested in you checking off a checklist (daily devotions, perfect attendance and a darn good excuse if you miss, being 'plugged in' to programs). He is interested showing you how He loves YOU. He wants to showcase the gifts He gave you to spread His love around. He wants you to give up conforming, so that He can start transforming. If you choose to accept (as He will not force or coerce), be prepared to step beyond what you know. What is familiar. What is known and stamped and approved by those you rub shoulders with.
I am on an adventure and am curious where it is leading. While I am 'tied to home' in this season of life, I have never felt more free. Sure I still wonder what 'they' think, and desire people to like me. It will always be there. But I have sensed a gradual (and I mean gradual) shift from a public display of religion (and quoting all it's cliches) to living relaxed in His love, anticipating His protection, forsaking pretense and expecting adventure...all as a response to His love, not out of duty.
"My dear children, let's just not talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality. It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves.
And friends, once that is taken care of and we're no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we're bold and free before God!"
-1 John 3
Gee Whiz....when i write out deeper thoughts, I am never satisfied with the lack of conciseness or even understanding. If any of it makes sense to you, well, thank the good Lord. If it doesn't, just click the little 'x' on the upper right hand of your screen and be done with it.
In any case, I am glad you stopped by the Coffee Cottage today. Thank you!
If you were actually at my front door in time for dessert tonight, i would dish up a serving of Strawberry Shortcake for you-although, it might include only 2.5 strawberries as my humble bowl-full is not exactly what one would call a 'bumper crop'.
But it would be 2.5 bites of sweet, red goodness!
and as for your strawberries! what a sweet, surprise harvest....just like your "new best friend!"
I am safe and loved and oh, how I believe for my soul to KNOW that through and through someday(soon)
The strawberries on their own are beautiful...but in the collandar, even more so!
What a beautiful post! I have been working on just this myself this past year as I am in a season of life where my homeschooling days are over. I am now facing new days and new possibilities...it is time to see what is next in God's plan for me. And time to sit back in wonder of it all at what our Lord is doing in our daughter's life as she approaches graduation and early adulthood.
Thanks for encouraging me today...
Joyce Marie
i am already craving some strawberry shortcake, i need your strawberries!
thanks for being an encouragement.