Of "Should" and Stepping Stones
This morning we were going in circles.
{pardon the gold-digger}
The clock stuck 10, and I was still in the t-shirt and shorts I slept in.
No makeup, no pretty hair and operating on pitifully little sleep (the twins have this phlegmycough/virus/ear infecting yuckiness that has kept me up. alot.).
In other words, I was a picture of domesticated dowdiness, not to mention a prime suspect for one of those ambush makeovers that I used to watch when I was single and take self-righteous pity for the hags who answered the door. Like me this morning.
It was sultry and sticky outside.
My children, myself and my entire house needed cleaned.
Whiney tones and high pitched screams ruled the playwaves.
So naturally, it was time to do a craft.
My inclination is not to craft anything but perhaps a fun party. Give me raw materials and ask these hands to create something of beauty and you can be sure to be deeply disappointed.
I am a mom by occupation, and although I've long since dropped out of running for "Mother of the Year", it still feels like a job requirement to occassionally break out the Modge Podge and poster paints. I should do it.
As for this morning, the craft I decided to add to the chaos (in a puzzling attempt to reign and gain control) was the kind birthday gift from family friends to our 4 & 3 year old. The "Build Your Own Stepping Stone" kit promised "optimal enjoyment for all" , with paint, faux jewels, stickers and pre-made stepping stone pictured on the box for 'inspiration'.
How could this go wrong?
And so I sit everyone around me, while profusely sweating {darn the mask! darn the rubber gloves! they probably just put that in there in hopes that they catch someone dorky enough to actually follow directions. Gee whiz, you would think this was brain surgery or something!!!} and huffing out a muffled chiding to my fellow mask-wearing child to 'stay back'!! I had in mind to allow each child to stick their foot into the mix, trying to move with swift dexterity as the directions read "It's good to be prepared as the stone mix dries in less than 10 minutes".
Make that 5 nanoseconds.
As I'm trying to whip up a second batch to ensure all have equal sized 'stones', sweat dribbling down my nose, I start to notice that the first two are starting to harden. I sharply command the children to 'get up and get your foot over here NOW! Quickly! Quickly!', but by the time they meander over to me, the clay was as supple as a brick.
As I tried to open up another package of dry clay mix (with soiled rubber gloves), it imploded and went everywhere...including some mouths.
It was at this point I threw off my mask gathered up everything (except the measuring cup) and marched right into our barn. The below picture is all that was left our 'craft hour'.
...and this is where the rest went.
It was a shame, and I feel badly for it was such a great idea!
I should have had the gift-giver's daughter-who is a teacher-do the craft with the children. I have no doubt had she been here, we would have had five little footprint imprinted stepping stones outside our backdoor tonight.
This little craft-went-wrong did make me consider the word 'should' and how I use it. As in "I should do crafts" or "I should volunteer on that committee" or "I should {fill in the blank}",
It's not that the word is bad across the board, but I wonder how man times I use it that a.) I truly feel convicted and if I do not b). whose expectations am I out to meet or impress?
My children will survice if we aren't a constantly crafting family (shwew!!) or even if we only do one every month-or five. Who am I trying to impress or please when 'should' creeps into my thoughts and out of my mouth? {Certainly the craft gods have given up on me at least 20 years ago!}.
My eyes are heavy, and Seinfeld is the background music (which means the 10 o'clock news is over).
Tomorrow is supposed to be sulty again, so we'll stay inside, stay cool and stay AWA"Y from anything that involves more than a piece of paper and crayon.
Thanks for dropping by!!!
Anywho... I loved this post. Especially the part of "should." It's an extra added pressure us mothers tend to put on ourselves... and leave us feeling so inadequate. :/
I loved your crafting attempt. I have had many of those myself. I've had so many grand ideas in my mind... only to have them phase out into destruction. I have learned over the years which crafts will be successful and which just won't. And I have a 6 year old BEGS every. single. live. long. day. to do some sort of craft. It drives my mind boggy! She's the type that needs me step-by-step so I am trying to push her into self-entertainment and craftiness. :/ When all else fails, and when messies aren't a issue, I pull out good ol' Elmer's and let the kids rip (cause scissors=hair cuts) pages out of old magazines and have at it! That's where I'm heading now. :)
Shoulda, woulda, coulda....the world in which we all live. Now, to just figure out which things to pursue in order to grow and which ones to dump in the expectation filling trash.
...But for now, I should just go pay the bills! Ha...no-brainer on that one:)
I know just what you mean about being a target for an ambush makeover...I'm in the same boat!! :P