Girls Only!
I decided to mix it up, do something different, something fun with just the girlies.
We lady-folk had a BIG night planned and we talked about it all the live long day. You see, we have an extra special little girl coming our way in September. She is the first child of my 'little' sister, Ashley and the first cousin on my side of the family. We can barely wait to meet her. But we must. Whilst we wait, we shall shop for her, find her a little something extra special to give to her mama at the Baby Shower that's being held in her honor next week.
As any proper lady does, we bathed, washed our hair, wore our fancy clothes and most importantly, did our nails in preparation for our big night on the town.
We take this quite seriously- even though for 'some' of us, it is purely impossible to keep our fingers spread and still on our laps as we wait for the thin coat of polish that barely got on, to dry. Simply. cannot. be. done.
The prospect of a night out shopping and eating ice cream has us so tickled pink, we can't help but indulge in a rare display of public affection.
Not only is she stunning to look at, she has a deeply beautiful spirit. I'm hoping she'll have 'coffee' with us on this blog, and allow you all to get a glimps of this amazing woman I'm getting to know and love! The girls thought she was quite fun.
Warning: We can't tell you that we went to Build-A-Bear Workshop to pick out a personal little something for our new niece/cousin, 'cause it's a surprise.
But, we will show you pictures of the beary fun experience:
Just in case you think you know what we were doing in this store, we were NOT putting together a BEAR. Nope, no bear here.
But we did insert a shiny, red heart into whatever it was we picked out and we kissed it, held it to our hearts and made a wish for our littlest cousin, as that's what Miss Build A Bear said we should do.
We gave her a bath to 'fluff' her up.
We picked out an outfit and also made a birth certificate for her. I took the liberty of inserting the name I think they are using into the 'Presented To' part. I hope Hildegard likes it!!
Up next: A little Stone Cold on a Hot Summer Night.
Like star dust glistening on fairies' wings
Little girls dreams are of magical things.
-- Sherry Larson
My name is NO NO but grandma calls me precious.
-- Author Unknown
I am grateful beyond measure for my girls. I'll take the drama, the temper tantrums, the bossy pointer fingers, the tears, the fluctuating emotions, the high pitched laughter and all the other wonderful and exasperating things that go with it.
They are treasured little gifts, and it was a treat to spend a little two on two time tonight reminding them of it!
Glad you got to spend that extra special time with them.
God bless you!