Memories made by the Sea

We arrived back to our home sweet home on Sunday night after a few days spent with my entire family at the shore. Unless I'm mistaken (which I've been known to be!), this was the first time we all vacationed together since taking on a few new members (ie: son-in-laws, grandchildren). The weather was not the best, but being together most certainly was!

Due to my time restrictions, I'm simply going to post a few pictures for your mindless pursing pleasure! :) So be down and enjoy! (Captions will be under pictures)

The 3 girls (fresh out of bed! You'll note my large coffee mug....)
Bonding with Auntie Ash, who all of my children found to be quite wonderful.
Does it get any better than this? Although there is no theological proof to back this up, we think it's quite possible that Mack~n~Maco pizza will be served on a daily basis in Heaven (free of charge).
The most peaceful, relaxing and rewarding moment of my weekend: holding my girls as they take their time waking from their afternoon naps.
Although the surf was stormy, it was not a complete washout! (This is why I never take seriously weather reports from or other such national reports....I consider the local forecast and then I appeal to my Maker and the Creator of all weather patterns. My family now knows of my aversion to those stingy, pessimistic weather forecasts!).
I love the picture above with my dad and his two cherished grandsons!

A blurry but beautiful picture of the greatest treasures my husband & I have been given.

The next three pictures: In asking Rick what his favorite part of the vacation was, one of his first replies was "Playing Balderdash with Grandma". Indeed, it has become a tradition of sorts...and breaking out Balderdash has almost everything to do with building up anticipation until it's my dear mother's turn to read a load of crap (false definitions to a real word that we try to make as hysterical as possible, as there is just nothing like listening and watching our classy, controlled mom lose all her composure to a fit of hysterical...well, i guess you could call it wheezing. She's not loud about it, but you will clearly see a meltdown in the following pictures).
Thank you MOM! In so many ways, you did not dissappoint! :) What fun!

Father and Son....out on the jetty (what you did not see is the worried wife and mother behind the lense...half thinking what a great picture this will be and the greater half thinking that it may be their last. And I would have been madder than a hornet at him before letting the sadness settle in).

There are more...but life is calling. I hope you are doing well! Enjoy this autumn weather if you are able! We just picked up some mums and a cinderella pumpkin at an Amish stand this morning....this year is flying by so fast.

Much love,



Now the blogging world can see what you do to me while playing one of my favorite games. You made my day when I discovered that you posted your memories of a special weekend, on your blog...even if I question some of your picture choices. You forgot to mention who the handsome guy was that served us all coffee every morning. Your precious children sure did add to the joy of the weekend. Judy
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a WONDERFUL family.
Be assured, there was less than a 50 50 chance of Christopher & I drowning in that storm!
Curtis Lee
Anonymous said…
I loved the pictures of your beautiful children! And I was laughing out loud at the pictures of your Mom. I could just hear her trying to cover her contagious laugh! I'm so glad you were all able to enjoy rare time to relax together.


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