Comfort & Joy: Coffee Cottage's 400th Post Give-Away!
I first posted on October 10th, 2007.
I did not like the term "blog" then as much as I do not now.
I much preferred to think of it as a little cottage where I would pin down thoughts now and then, always with a good cup of coffee to sip as I type.
In looking back over the years that these 400 posts have sprung from, two words have come to mind:
Comfort & Joy
I have always sought out to be transparent in my writings, sharing the ugly with the pretty,
the imperfect reality that coexists with beautiful moments. In taking the sometimes unflattering route of saying it like it is, I found not only were my words bringing comfort to a few (like when I spoke the raw truth of motherhood, or that I occasionally tell my children to "leave me alone" and my struggle to stay above the rushing waters of motherhood), but by the kind words written in response to my own, I found great comfort in knowing that I was not alone either!
Keeping a sense of humor in life is not an option. Not if I want to stay sane.
In the cozy confines of this online "cottage", where it's just me and my silent coffee mug as my witness, I have found a safe place to share things that make my dear, reserved mother reach for the phone to say "really? you're sharing that??". It's been here that I have admitted to leaving my children with a stranger for the sake of a good coupon, being a former-dickey lover and brazenly declared my disdain of anything that remotely sounds like a "play date". The sharing these experiences, recounting them to you has brought me great joy. It is my belief that if you can't laugh at yourself, life is gonna be harder than it already is or is going to be! It is, after all, preferable to banging ones head against the wall repeatedly. I should know.
For those of you who have taken any bit of time to share "real life" with me at the Coffee Cottage, I thank you so much. I am deeply appreciative of the comfort and joy that those who I have known outside of this blog and now know because of it, have brought me. I know there are those of you who have spent a little time here with whom I have yet to all means, introduce yourself! With the amazing kindness of several talented women I am privileged to know, I would like to show my appreciation to one reader with the following:
The Joy of Feeling Pretty.
Select a stunning handcrafted pin (that can double as a hair clip!)
of your choice from by jackie lee. Jackie has always had gorgeous personal style
...and now she is sharing it with the world through her ever-growing accessories company.
...and now she is sharing it with the world through her ever-growing accessories company.
The Comfort of the First Sip.
It is, after all, a giveaway at the Coffee Cottage. I simply had to share the best tasting coffee, found right down the road from where I live! My friend and her husband roast this rich, delightful coffee themselves and it's proceeds go towards an orphanage with which they are partnering with. How inspired is that? It makes that first (and second, third, so on) sip even sweeter!
The Joy of (personalized) Jewelry!
Peruse the beauty found at OJolie! and choose a charm to wear close to your heart (or wrist)! Absolutely some of the prettiest personalized jewelery I have seen, made by a beautiful woman who I secretly wish would be my stylist! (A little aside: Her husband is (deservedly) in the running for Redbook's Hottest Husband contest...take a look!)
The Joy Found in An Old Fashioned Letter.
Few simple joys beat that of finding a handwritten letter amidst the flyers, bills and unwanted catalogs we receive in the mail. Judy, at the "Just A Little Something For You" (who also happens to be my lovely mom), crafts the most beautiful cards. Those who receive them reserve such cards for only the most deserving of their friends to receive!
This giveaway includes an entire (decorated, naturally) bag of these all-occasion treasures.
The Comfort of Home.
This time of year is my favorite time to infuse our home with the cozy scents of fall.
Mrs. Meyers, my favorite cleaning line, has come out with a limited edition "Orange Clove" scent that leaves me inhaling more than normal after a counter cleaning. And so, to add a little comfort and coziness to the abode of another, a trio of Mrs. Meyer's delightful seasonal products (candle included), will be sent along with the other selections.
Simply leave a comment sharing one simple way you find comfort or joy in your daily living.
(simply chose ONE of the following
and leave me a second comment mentioning what you chose)
2.Mention that you have been or are now a follower of "The Coffee Cottage"
3. Mention that you are a subscriber to "The Coffee Cottage"
4. Include a link to this giveaway on your blog
It is distastefully cliche to say "I wish you all could win!", so I won't say it. I 'll just think it.
Participation in this humble online "event" will be open until noon on Friday, October 21st. The winner will be announced Saturday morning.
Tidings of CoMfOrT and JoY to you, my friend!
Thank you for joining me in my adventures with glorious sip at a time!