There she is...

I am not one who likes to wait.

Therefore, I will not be stingy and wait until tomorrow to share with you what I knew as of high noon today.

Thanks to the fine mechanisms that be at, the extremely random number of  "30" was generated. Thus, the winner of the
Coffee Cottage 400th Post Giveaway is........

{Cue the lights, ready the tiara and sash, start the drumroll}

Charis from Simple Pleasures!

I am privaleged to know Charis personally! Her mother is a remarkable woman who I met several years ago and consider her a mentor in motherhood. Charis is one of her five amazing children, and her creativity (A.mazing baker), talent (accomplished pianist), thoughtfulness, lack of pretense, desire to serve her family and easy laughter are just a few of the many aspects of this beautiful woman in which I so admire!
Congratulations, Charis!! After you're done selecting your choices from OJolie! and byJackieLee, I will happily hand-deliver your gifts!

THANK YOU for making my week by sharing your comforts and joys in the comments you left. I truly appreciate you and wish resources would allow me to send each and every one  of you a little something special!


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