In Between Minutes

"Mom!", spoken in her commanding, but lispy little voice. "Can you get this out of my hair??"

I see a barrette dangling off one lone follicle on my three year old's curly head. The same barrette that had caused a torrent of tears earlier that morning.

I remove it and she says "I don't like bows".

"They're not bows, honey, they are called barrettes."

"Oh. Well. I don't like barrettes. I only like hair bands."

"Well, barrettes are fun! And look this one is PINK {her favorite color}!".

"Mom (spoken in a 'duh' tone of voice), it's PURPLE. I don't like purple. I only like pink".

*** 3 minutes later***
"Ja-Nay! Can you get me my sippy cup??" I hear and I turn around to see my four year old son waiting for my answer.

"What did you just call me???"


"Son, I am your mom. That is what you call me."

"No, thank you. I don't want to call you that anymore"

*** 5 minutes later***

I race in the house to retrieve wipes for the daughter who is standing by the barn having took her soiled diaper off herself, bending over waiting to be wiped (gross beyond gross). I not only find my son on top of the dryer, where a bucket full of water and bleach sat in order to disinfect the mop sat (water/bleach all over the floor) but also come to find that he opened the cupboard door, in which I had put a bottle of my bright red nail polish on the very top shelf to keep it away from 'little hands'.

Look what those 'little hands' found to do (in seriously, NO time at all!):

(Any removal suggestions are gladly welcomed!)

***1 hour later***

After an "I-have-no-inkling-what-to-make-for-dinner" type dinner, there was much excitement at going across the neighbor's monkey bars. As you might note, I took a lot of time to clean her up after she escaped, I mean, was 'excused' from the dinner table.

*** 2 minutes later***

A brother like none other...always there to lend a hand.

***30 minutes later***

An exhausted "I-just-want-them-in-bed-NOW" mother's bath time solution.
They work on bare bottoms, sure. But they are stellar performers on messy faces, muddy arms and dirty hands.

Naturally, there was more to my day then that, but I thought I would give you a quick snapshot, which gave me a glimpse into the saying (that I hear QUITE a bit): "The days may be slow, but the years fly by". I stand amazed that these little people with developing wills and wants, started as just a little 'bean' in my belly. Seriously, all this comes from such a minuscule beginning. No small miracle in that, is there?

I would write more, but I have a teething twin who is also in the throes of a summer cold. Tonight I will, yet again, feel more like a spring on my mattress than a recipient of it.
And that's ok. There are plenty of women who would gladly spend every second of the midnight shift awake, just to hear their baby cry.

Goodnight, friend. God's blessing to you....


Laurel Greer said…
Jeane'...u always make me laugh, feel more normal (although you already know i'm not)...and you leave me with something to ponder, change, or give thanks for. Thank you!
Debbie said…
I love to visit you and never am I left bored or empty. Tired sometimes just hearing about it, and convinced why God doesn't give children to women my age:)
Michelle said…
Ja-Nay! Thanks for the laugh and for a bit of perspective on my days. I love that you can laugh at the goings-on during your day, and that you can share them with others. :)
Sharon said…
You always make my day! Hey...even grownups make messy dropping a full mascara wand on my new white shirt! (Should have tried the wipes!) Or writing ball point on my new yellow blouse in the grocery store while checking off my list!(I DID use hair spray for that one!) Just remember that laughter burns calories! And, not too long from now, you will be putting them all on the yellow bus!
Sylvia said…
On the plus side, teaching the kids mom's name is very important for safety reasons. So you've got that going for you. :)
Jena said…
ah, yes, the wipes bath...

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