New Day
Her twin brothers are teary in the background, for the "shirtless wonder" has stolen one of their first bowls of oatmeal and vanilla custard. (shirtless because she majorly soiled her shirt during dinner, naturally).
(during a 'cleaner' moment. in the middle of a gum theft operation)
I can quite honestly say that I have never worked so hard in my life as I am right now. It is also realized that I do not work nearly as hard as the woman with 18 children living sheltered by the walls of a flimsy one-room hut in an impovershed ghetto in India. She does not even know to dream of the conveniences I go about my mothering with. This I try to keep in mind when it all seems a tad on the 'much' side.
As for blogging, lately I've been dry. Bone tired and not inspired. This will change, but I thank you for bearing with me until it does. There are a few pieces I'm working on...subjects that will not change the course of the world (darn) but may shed light on the torture of electrolysis and the caution needed for Cholerics (those with an 'in-control' temperment such as my 'friend' has. Ok....or maybe, me). There is also coming a new interview with another incredible woman.
As for this new day, in it's lineup of events is a visit to an Oasis...and at that Oasis I will have the supreme treat of having my hair washed (over and over, please!!!!) and the rather large community of split ends cut off from their source. It's been at least 3-4 months. Yea, really.
This day is looking up already. Hope it is for you too~
You are invincible. You get that hair cut!!!
One thought that I learned from a special friend is the mantra: "this too shall pass." It has helped me through many a difficult time, along with lots of prayer:)
All the best,