Round our Dinner Table...

Hello, friend!

I am a little sad that this gloriously long weekend is coming to an end....but we certainly ushered out the long holiday week with some very special people!!!

Jake and Janelle and their adorable children gave us the gift of their company tonight...whenever we get together and after the time flies by and they go back to their cozy cottage, I always think "We MUST do this more often!".

Tonight we had a "Make Your Own Pizza" Party. I even made the dough (ok, so I've got to pat my own back for that one, as the mere mention of using yeast in anything nearly gives me hives) and it actually turned out, even if it wasn't quite plentiful enough. Speaking of plentiful enough....the world just does not have enough people like Jake and Janelle. He is one of the most sincere people I've genuine, so manly (you're welcome, Jake). And Janelle...well, as the quote on the quaint Tea Box reads, "Let people bask in your radiance and sunshine" - Yogi Bhajan...this is precisely what she does, and not in a fake, flakey way. She is FOR REAL!

God bless her little heart...with her more-than-ample bread making skills, she took over for this skittish hostess when it came to rolling out the dough. (she's a take-charge kinda gal. we get along just fine.)
Waiting, waiting, waiting for dinner....and in the meantime, Rick got an education on the Amish (both Jake and Janelle have family roots that stem into their traditions)

Jake feeding a pint-sized version of his wife! :)
Ham balls
Pleased as punch with their Italian pastry creations...
Her big brother so kindly made a smiley face on her pizza. She was tickled pink. (He's so great with the bevy of little siblings that have 'suddenly' burst on his scene)
Ariel view of the kiddo's table
During this season of life, fancy dinners out...elegant dinners in...they are rare blips in the blur of life. But setting a few extra plates 'round the dinner table is do-able, and often, most enjoyable.
As was the case this evening.


Happy@Home said…
As a regular reader of your mom's blog, I am stopping by to visit your lovely blog. I can see that you share your mom's talents for being a gracious hostess. I feel a bit like I know you since your mom has shared pictures of your sweet family with us. I must say that you look fantastic and your sweater is soo pretty.
This post is one of my favorites. The faces of each of these precious little ones show so much love and anticipation. The older guy with the navy and white shirt is quite handsome! I bet each of the little guys looked up to him. You and Janelle look beautiful! One would never know from the picture all the work that you both did during the day preceding that picture. I stand amazed at all you both get done in a day's time. Great idea to have a pizza party.
Unknown said…
Always fun to read your blog! By the way you look great in the photo, sexy mama!
WHAT A WONDERFUL EVENING!!!! We also leave you home thinking, "WHY aren't we together more often?"

You were gracious, patient, thoughtful and always when I am with you. You served us first and saw that our needs/wants were met! We were delighted to dine with you all!!

(I *know* that's not always the way it is with our combined 8 children, but this night you must have been on your best behavior, as was I and our children followed suit)!! Didn't they play so nicely together? 99.9% of the time??

I also would like to think that our husbands thought we looked sexy and cute while caring for our babies and feeding them so efficiently! If they didn't notice, we'll just pretend they did!!

And last but not least, somehow I ALWAYS leave your home with presents in hand!!! I felt so special and loved putting all my new little things away. And boy, I am anticipating that first issue to life:beautiful! YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL FRIEND!! thank you!!!

P.S. We'll see you Friday night....bring your camera!! A great post is waiting to be made!


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