The Orange in their Stockings

 Sometimes on our way to presenting big things to those we love best,
we discover their joy is fulfilled in the taste of the small things we give.

Take a shiny naval orange, for example. One juicy orange is dropped into six red Christmas stockings every year, in memory and honor of their Grandpop whose solemn childhood Christmases offered little more than the taste of this sweet citrus fruit. He was given an orange because it was a rare treat. Our children receive an orange out of revered tradition.

Of the few things in their stockings, it was the oranges their faces lit up the most to.
Of the two small, "main" gifts they each received, the fair distribution of the orange segments generated far more buzz than the Lincoln Logs and Rapunzel wigs.

We looked back at the end of the day and decided it was good, after all, that we kept the giving to a minimum, as sometimes "big" is difficult to comfortably digest and the sweet "little" things are easier to swallow.

“Simple pleasures are best.”


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