The Creativity Fairy Strikes!!

I'm not sure if it's cabin fever, a bad case of the winter blues or perhaps my mom left behind even a fraction of her creative energy behind while she is in Texas and somehow I absorbed it...but I've had a RARE burst of creativity (for me) this weekend and I felt like sharing it with you!
(Keep in mind, when I say "creativity", it's not of great quality or skill or talent like some folks have. This is just me liking to decorate and being inspired for the next 'holiday'...)
I downloaded vintage valentines from a store on Esty, printed them out on cardstock paper and put glitter on them. I then went outside on this nice frosty day and gathered some sticks and spray painted them white, and shook a little glitter over them as well. My camera did not cooperate very well with the close up shots!
We were at a beautiful, welcoming home recently and on their white archway leading out to their yard, was the word "Pilai" inscribed on it, which is Hebrew for "God is our Deliverer". I thought it was just the greatest idea to have that reminder posted on the door of home that leads to 'the world', where there are so many things we need delivered from and that we have a powerful, attentive and loving God who does just that. And so I painted that on there this afternoon, but I'm not particularly pleased with the results. I might paint over it and use stenciled letters next time, instead of freehand.
A little heart over the light switches (thank you Target Dollar Bins.) It just needs a little bow at the top yet. That is to come.
So there you have it. It may be another year 'til the inspiration fairy sprinkles her dust on me!!
I think your painting looks incredible, but to save you time, next time you can use Uppercase Living...wink, wink!
Love you!
The sprayed branches are gorgeous - they would probably be gorgeous for Christmas too. I think the creativity fairy stops by your home more than you think... :-)