Nunny Dunkers
It has long been tradition in most parts of this great United States, to dip ones Oreo in a tall cold glass of milk. With this national pasttime comes various ways and means of eating and immersing ones cookie into the milk. (I'm sure you have your own way of going about this!)
In our home, however, we do things a little differently.
The younger members of this home have an intense attachment to their pacifiers (which we refer to as a "nunny") and are only supposed to have them whilst in their cages (otherwise known as cribs/toddler bed). HOWEVER, as any mother who is reading this would understand, sometimes the nunny slips 'under the radar' (on purpose) and finds itself down here on our couch first thing in the morning. And when it does, their new favorite thing to do is dunk it in my coffee. They just love my French Vanilla Coffee-Mate infused coffee!
In our home, however, we do things a little differently.
The younger members of this home have an intense attachment to their pacifiers (which we refer to as a "nunny") and are only supposed to have them whilst in their cages (otherwise known as cribs/toddler bed). HOWEVER, as any mother who is reading this would understand, sometimes the nunny slips 'under the radar' (on purpose) and finds itself down here on our couch first thing in the morning. And when it does, their new favorite thing to do is dunk it in my coffee. They just love my French Vanilla Coffee-Mate infused coffee!
And so, they start out by handing me their most precious earthly possession (that signals a good trust relationship between they and their mother!) and I dunk it for them....
But then, all heck breaks loose, and if I'm feeling gracious (too tired to care), they do the dunking themselves (it teaches the child a healthy sense of independence. :)
There you have it: what you really did not need to know but I shared with you anyway! Yet another way in which we do not operate 'normally', but are happy in our own little world and ways of that world.
I will leave you with this snapshot from yesterday. This is a picture I want to print, so that someday when they are in the midst of a great battle over a coveted cami or a popular pullover, I will have proof to show them that they really did used to love each other, and that I'm certain, somewhere deep inside, they still do!