Hello, friend!
Last week-early Thursday morning, to be exact-I took a Southwest flight south and west of here! At my husbands prodding (what a guy!), I flew to Dallas, TX for a long weekend...a repreive from daily busy-ness and calm before the next big thing, which is the birth of our baby. With my doctor's 'permission' and a wad of medical papers from my chart (just in case!), I headed to spend some time with my 'little' sister, who is quite an amazing woman.
I had SUCH a wonderful time! True, I waddled around most everywhere...and found it nearly impossible to detect breathable air (it was 102 degrees on Friday afternoon), and I did feel as pregnant as a nearly 9 month preggo woman might...but it was still restful and refreshing.
I am hugely indebted to my husband, son Rick, parents and 'littlest' sister Kim who so kindly and lovingly cared for the littlest ones while i was away. What a gift you gave to me!
If you would like to see a few pictures...keep clicking....and have a wonderful day.
The luxuary of uninterrupted time was such a treat! It included (but was not limited to!)....
Watching Regis & Kelly....

... Painting my fingernails and reading a book that required deeper thought than "Spot Visits Grandma"...

...enjoying a cup of coffee (and while it was HOT, no less!)...

...I was so thrilled to have time to spend one on one with my long-distance sister & dear friend, Ashley Joy. She took me around to a few estate sales, where I excitedly found a few vintage items to add to my kitchen decor (once it's done!)...

...This lovely pool is part of their apartment complex. I felt like I was staying at a Hilton! And the feeling of weightlessness while floating in the pool was one I didn't want to part with! (Somehow, our little baby pool at home doesn't allow for the same sensation)...

We had a deliciously authentic "Tex-Mex" meal at "Chuys" (pronounced "Chewies") with Kyle and Amber, a radiant and wonderful couple who have quickly become Matt & Ashley's close friends. I can see why...they are such fun!

Froggy's is a terrific toy shop...complete with classy sunglass frames! :)...

Matt & Ashley put in MANY hours within their apartment community with an organization called "CARES". Saturday morning was their monthly brunch. I was so glad I could be there to witness this big part of their lives right now. Certainly it is a great way to build relationships within a community...and serving our mom's recipe for French Toast along with sausage only enchances the experience! :)

...Dipping, flipping and reflipping until perfectly done, the French Toast Queen knows what she is doing!....

On the flight home, I experienced ever-increasing tense contractions on the plane, about 4-5 minutes apart. (I am almost 36 weeks, so it wasn't too suprising). I did not want to attract attention, so I simply kept asking for water and PRAYING HARD that I would NOT give birth on the plane. This was
not the way I wanted to make my rounds on the morning shows on National TV (I can see it now...one of the passenger's grainy cell phone videos being YouTubes Top 10 videos. "And here's the pregnant passenger, Jeane' Miller is her name I believe, with her legs spread...Oh, my...here it comes....the head...let me zoom in closer.....what's she screaming?...). Thank the Lord (and I did!!!!), the baby is still in the belly and I am back to home sweet home with my precious family.
My husband was both considerate and insightful, as I do not think such a mini-vacation will be something I experience for some time....
and I enjoyed every last drop. THANK YOU, Matt & Ash....I love you!