The Meadow

It's a rare day when I post twice, but I equally wanted to share the sweet summer snapshots I received from a number of you AND a simple, but profound story my aunt shared with me, however; I just couldn't see mixing the two together in the same post. 

The event my aunt shared via email is so beautifully written. I felt should be shared as we embark a new week, each of us with varying levels of challenges and stress on our doorstep. I hope your heart is encouraged. Without further audieu, I'll let my Aunt Carla take over from here:

Hello all,

Anybody need encouragement today? 

Maybe it can come in the form of my little God story. This morning I went outside to mow my meadow around 10:00. I use my time on the Toro to pray and listen to God (you are all very well covered, by the way!). That being said, this morning was a bit different. I filled the gas tank full and started out. I was only into an hour's worth of mowing when I looked down and saw my tank was registering nearly empty, and I still had at least another good hour and a half to go. There was no way I could finish the job with that meager amount of fuel. So I prayed. "God, you know I'd really like to complete this job I started. I already used all my cash for gas earlier in the day and cannot make a second trip there. I know you can do it, but will you create liquid gas from fumes and allow me to at least finish the section I started? Just like you turned water into wine, will you get me through on this tiny tank of gas?"  I continued on and listened and God reminded me of His love for me, how he delights in me, and while this was not an earth shattering request, He was glad I asked. So I mowed and I watched to see what He might do.

Now at the risk of promoting a shallow faith that only views God as a genie in a bottle, let me add that I did pray in His will. I would've accepted any answer because He is God, and He has my best in mind. I know some of you have cried out to Him for far greater things, only to have Him answer in another way. I get that; in fact I wasn't asking for a sign to test His power, rather I was simply delighting in the fact that He could do it!  I just sensed today was going to be a little different...and I was right. Not only did my heart leap for joy with each loop around the meadow, I began "cheering"  as I made the very last cut. My motor was still running on empty as I heard that still small voice say, "Is that all you've got, Carla? You asked for one section....keep driving." So I did...and unbelievably I finished another half hour of mowing, and then another as I moved onto the bank, until finally there was nothing left to mow so I parked it in the barn and came into the house at 1:00. 

God is so much bigger than our feeble little prayers of faith. He delights in our asking according to His will, and today as I finished up, He reminded me that there may come a day when I will be required to draw upon this little miracle in my meadow, when my faith will be stretched and tested to a much deeper level. 

Many of you are right smack dab in the middle of such a time, so may I encourage you that we serve a God who is not silent when our prayers seem to go unanswered? He is not inactive when our cries come back empty. He is a compassionate, loving and intimate God, ever present in the big and little stuff of life. He never changes, even when life's circumstances do. May we have the courage to always trust in Him, when He gives favor and when he sends rain...He is good all of the time. I just wanted to share His goodness to me today and pray you are experiencing the same from Him. Be blessed....and praise Him with me!
P.s.-- as I write this, the sun has gone behind the clouds and the rain is gently falling (the main reason I wanted to get the job done in the first place.) 

Thanks for stopping by the Coffee Cottage. I'm sure glad you did...hope you are too!


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