Do YOU ever (or am i the only one?)

Do yOu EvEr...

...Feel the urge to bang your head repeatedly against a wall, representing the headway you've made in effective parenting on any given day? Or perhaps prompted by the ten zillionth request for a snack, spoken loudly through the closet door that your hiding behind

...Get nervous before going out in public for an occasion that will most certainly require adult conversation, and (even if you are a flaming Sanguine personality like me) wonder wherever you will summon the wherewithal to cover up the fact that just mere hours ago you were hovering over sanity's fine line due to a rapid succession of events that may or may not have included an overflowing toilet, feces found on dollhouse furniture, crying babies screaming for the dinner that needed to be made and chopped up for the masses you're temporarily leaving behind. Do you ever consider that it would be too hard to relocate the human you know you are somewhere deep inside and think it might be less embarrassing just to stay at home...

...also wonder, before such public occasions as stated above, how you will ever find any thing of interesting to say? sharp enough to locate a three-syllable word willing to admit the last book you read cover-to-cover was "Brown Bear, Brown Bear (What Do You See)"

...find yourself in your pajamas waaayyy to late in the morning (or afternoon), catch a whiff of an unsavory scent as you're bending over to load the laundry, look around to see if an Amish man just came in from a hot day in the fields and then realize...
that's me.
...constantly lose your coffee cup in  the morning, even after being programmed to first check in the microwave? wonder exactly how much of it you consume, for you never drink it to the last drop, but are always adding a 'a little hot' to the top

...stand amazed that the dog you have still likes you (or thinks you like her) even though he/she is daily only one "post to classifieds" click away to an appearance on Craig's List (*don't tell anyone, but i actually might miss our Bingo if she left us/this world...but I only feel this way when she's not on my heels or barking, which is rarely ever).

...(if you have a blog) Wonder what on earth you could possibly write that has not yet already been written -and much more eloquently at that- on the 2 billion other blogs that occupy the vast Internet universe.

...struggle STILL with that pesty, immature of thought from high school that lingers like a dog hair on a wool jacket: "Everyone else get's to....". In my season, I finish the sentence with things like: "go to the pool", "go on vacation", "has time to paint a room/go shopping at leisure", etc. etc. (See my last post for this question put in a different perspective).

...Find yourself standing in a room where you had just marched to with great purpose in doing/retrieving something and find yourself with absolutely no clue why you are there (and early on-set Alzheimers does not run in your family as far as you are aware)

Know there a million better ways to fill your time at the end of the day when the children are tucked in, but all you feel your over-stimulated senses can handle is doing a whole lot of nothing (this may or may not include the productive folding of laundry while watching old TV show reruns on Netflix), leaving your creativity outlet left unplugged.

...Wake up from a dream in which your husband was of extreme disservice or inappropriate in any way and have to work through your annoyance at him for the rest of the day (poor chap).

...Rehearse word-for-word just what you would wildly lecture  say in your proposal to the 'Route Planners " of the local Trash Collection Company that "kindly" dumps out the glass recycables at 6 freakin' o'clock AM each and every Monday morning 

 ...Find yourself so grateful for the relief, the encouragement, the kindness that is extended to you at JUST the RIGHT time 

...Run into the grocery store, bypass the carts AND the baskets, because you only need a gallon of milk and end up looking like a pathetic circus act balancing twenty food items (and the gallon of milk) in your arms, praying you'll make it to the check out line without losing it all (and ignoring "crazy lady!" looks and the paralyzing sensations pulsating down your arms)

 Me ToO!
(Shwew! Glad i'm not the only one!) 

If you desire, share which one you said "YES!" to and I'll random select one of you to send a bottle of my new favorite counter cleaner to, in order to make the cleaning of the counters a happier, more fragrant chore!
Just for fun! 


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