Real Life

"Mommy! Annie has whiskers just like boys do!"

This loud proclaimation came from the back powder room where my 3 year old son was supposedly "washing" his whiskers (which are, of course, imagined in order to be more like his dad). I know his little sister, who may have a genetic predisposition to such a phenomonen, could be unduly humiliated should this same statement be uttered publically as an act of revenge for ratting him out in years to come. The thought is cut short as yet another little pipsqueak, who FELL OUT of her crib this morning in an escape attempt, is demanding my attention. My thoughts flitter to considering that possibly this child is indeed, part monkey, as she is fearless and persistant in her attempts to climb anything with even the teensiest ledge.

So much real life going on around here!

I'm approaching week 34, and I'll be honest, I am about as uncomfortable as I have ever been...and YET I am so fortunate, as this condition is temporary and 'this too shall pass' (as my mom and grandma used to and still say about various challenges of life). I hear of other women my age who are facing life-threatening illness, and it helps me reconsider whining about my temporary discomfort. My husband took this picture during a rare period of quiet in the house ...notice the Martha Stewart LIVING magazine which I was about to delve into after having it laying around for about a week! The belly makes for such a suitable 'tray table' if you will...perfect for a woman who enjoys a good bowl of cereal!

I'm down to a few things that 'fit', and am looking forward to having the option of picking up the little pounds that are now hanging off the front of me! (As an aside: our 2 and 3 year old, as much as they are able, understand there are 2 babies in my belly, and are awaiting there arrival through the belly button canal. I am not about to lead them to believe anything different than what they creatively came up with! They put their fingers in my belly button as if to try and initiate the process...cracks me up--and hurts when their fingernails need a trim).

You can imagine being so cumbersome does work to the disadvantage to the 'discipliner' and plenty of advantage to the little 3 and 2 year old "disciplinees " who have discovered their very own 'wills' and who are actively pursuiting the use of them!!! Oh my goodness...some moments are SO exasperating, but I certainly know I am not alone in feeling that way. I think we could go all the way back to Eve and find mothers from all the centuries that wanted to put their braids, buns or beehives in utter frustration at the seeming lack of headway when dealing with toddler children.

You'll see below an example of attitude and then sudden attitude change...

To my great gratitude and my husband's great delight, our little guy just LOVES to spend time with his daddy, doing 'man stuff', as he puts it. (In fact, on Saturday when I loaded them up for Wal-Mart, he inquired if we were going to the 'man store', where they have 'orange cars' (special carts) and hammers, a place he had visited earlier in the day when pal-ing around with dad. I was the bearer of bad news when I informed him that no, indeed, we were not going to the man store, but rather the 'family' one ("besides', I asked him, 'do they even allow girls in the man store??". He replied they do not and that was the end of that).

Anyhow, this afternoon he was all decked out after his nap in anticipation of helping dad. He picked out the 2 sizes too big muscle shirt and pants with belt, along with 2 of his most trusted tools and Bob the Builder helmut. I thought this was just too cute, and asked him to open his mouth so I could pull out all his teeth with a pliars and no anthestic. Oh....wait...that's right...I simply had asked if I could take a picture.., but his reaction was more appropriate for the former scenario....

(the crossed arms bit is quite effective in helping his dense mother understand exactly where he stands on the issues at hand, or so he thinks).

...but then a sudden change of heart and show of great affection (even the sharing of tools!).
Hey, I'll take it!

Here is a nice little patch of artwork I found on the wall...I think they must wake up each morning and think "What can we do today to make mother's life easier?" and once they come up with the answer (s), they plot to do the exact opposite!

And as a special nightcap to end the long day, I put them through a ritual I was quite embarrased by in my delicate pre-teen years, when my father would turn on Lawrence Welk reruns on, of all times, Saturday nights, when I felt I should be out on a date (however, nary a date to be found!). Our cable plan is that of the most basic, basic kind...and dear old Lawrence was the only thing decent enough to eat their bedtime banana's by, so Larry it was. Much to my surprise, they were transfixed by the lovely Anacani's rendition of "Rose of Spanish Harlem", Dad, you would have been proud. At least your grandchildren know how to appreciate "good music" that "they just don't make anymore".... it must skip generations! :)

On a completely random note, since I am not sleeping very well, I sometimes tune into the new Jay Leno show, and I have to say I just love it! In my thinking, it's the closest thing we have to one of those old Carol Burnett/Dean Martin variety shows.

Shwew....glad I got that off my chest.

Well, I am tired. Probably shouldn't have posted when so limited, but it was a space of time when I could. Tomorrow is Monday, and I must say every night I think "how am I going to do this all over again tomorrow?" and the next morning, God faithfully restores a level of energy that I need to get the day started with my little crew...and I thank Him for it! (and sometimes He sends people like my mom, sister, aunt, friend, cousin Steph who made and delivered a meal on a day I needed it to make the load lighter! Thank you to ALL of you, mentioned or not, who are coming alongside to help! I can't wait to return the favor someday!)


Dad will truly be proud that you are continuing his Saturday night tradition of long ago. "Lawrence Welk" reruns...what could be more exciting.

I am so eager for the birth of your twins. It seems like it will be anyday now.

Hope you all survive your Monday! I love reading this post.
ajwatson722 said…
wow...I love your stories. My mind is lacking a good comment right now (attributing it to being awake for 20 hours) but I will say that made my morning! love you!
Linda said…
First off, somehow, even being 34 weeks, you still look sooo glamorous! Yes, really. I love that picture of you! I continue to pray for you....
Marilou said…
Dear Jeane.

I am a woman of few words, as you well know. So, all I have to say to you at this point is "God Love you!" You're kids are darling, you look amazing, and I love your outlook on your "exciting" life! :) Am praying for you as you journey through each day. Looking SO forward to the arrival of the little biddies! :)
Auntie Lou
Dale said…
What fun to read the Adventures of Toddlerhood on your oh my. All I can say is, you are doing an awesome job, and put the crib side down. When mine started jumping out of the crib, I lowered the bar. Sounds like you have a budding gymnast on your hands. Thanks to the inventor of Mr Clean Magic Eraser!

I loved reading this!

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