Signs of the Times

Picture taken Saturday morning. 7:30am.
Boy is starting to show strong signs of Potty training ability. Girl thinks anything he can do, she can do better (but it's more the thought of it than the actual act). Mama wishes the Potty Training Fairy would come wave her magic wand and BOTH would be trained and diaperless.
There are various ways to bond with ones sibling. They've just stumbled across one.


Marilou said…
this is pretty much how Bob and I bonded through the years. Although, I did think that by the time we were 11, Mom should of let us start using separate bathrooms! But I am sure this is why he and I are tight today, we would sing together and then Bob would lead us in prayer and well, i loved the days when he would just share his heart with me. Who knew he actually had one?? :) Thanks for the adorable pics and for updating your blog, I LOVE to read it!
Aunt Lou
Deva said…
This will be a good one to threaten them with when they are teenagers! They are both precious.
would you like a visit from a fellow fruit fly trap? tomorrow still good? i'm fine either way, although i would LOVE to see you, your babies, and your kitchen!! it's totally your call!
Vickie said…

First of all, congrats on your baby girl! I haven't "stopped by" for a visit of late. She is adorable.

Regarding potty friends have a book, The Potty Train, by Dar Scholl. It is illustrated by Sarah Helser. I think you can listen to Dar read it allowed at

I've heard rave reviews jsut last night from a few friends! Check it out!

Enjoy your babies! Hug Janelle next time you see her. I miss her so!
Vickie said…
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Vickie said…
Okay, It is Dar Draper (married name) and here is where you will find the book...

The cute thing is, you can listen to the "potty chant!" Your kids may just love it! (Dar reads it out loud...not "allowed"! lol

Enjoy potty training!

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