
When life hands you lemons,
(particularly ones of the fake, tabletop variety)

Take them
& Make them
 the best
fake lemons

Do not be discouraged if 
 a little support
is neccessary.
 Everyone's lemons need a little help staying up...eventually.

* The child found with lemons in her shirt came up with this idea ENTIRELY by herself.
This should be no surprise to those who know her.


Hahahah!!! That was sooo me when I was little...well, er, actually not so little. For my tenth birthday all my friends and I thought it would be great fun to stuff water balloons in our swimsuits. And there are many pictures to back this up =: )And your blog about the swimsuit thing is exactly what happened to a swimsuit when I was much younger so it was more amusing than embarrassing...I remember my butt floating voluptuously and pretending I had a nice chest (albeit rather strangely shaped)...ah memories...
quiltjls said…
First lemons, then oranges, then grapefruit!!... oh, that is too funny! Thanks for sharing your giggles with us!
HAHAHAHAHAH!! this is great! :) I need a "fake lemon" fund!
ajwatson722 said…
Hahaha...love this little girl! Made my day!
Kelli said…
That is to cute!!
Michelle said…
hahahahahaha! Love it Love it!!
Rachel said…
omw!!!! what a little squirt!!
quite clever actually...=)
Becky S. said…
bwaahahaaahaaa!!! what a riot! can't wait to see the rest of her beautiful, creative, energetic life!
Terri said…
I want to close my eyes and wake up at your house...it appears it is where all the good laughs come from!

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