My faithful friend, Sally (& a few other's I'd like you to meet).

Confession No. 138:
I have a friend I rarely talk about. Ever.
One would think that the least I could do was shine a little light on a friend who has faithfully been there each and every time I turn to her. Yet to my great shame, mums been the word.
I met her through her cousin, Nair. Due to my Germanic bloodline (or so I was told and blindly believed), the dark course horse-hair that sprung up on my legs at the very earliest signs of puberty was unacceptable in my eyes. It was already embarrassing enough that the undershirt had to be replaced by something so hush!hush! as a trainer bra by the 5th grade...hairy legs only made things more awkward. It had to go. Because I was still quite young and intimidated of those chintzy pink daisy razors, I was easy prey to the message of television commercials that paraded teenage girls bragging about wearing short skirts, and from the looks of it, whatever they did left them with clean, shiny legs. And one of the girls had dark hair like me. Wonder if she had German blood coursing through her veins, producing wiry hair like mine?
And so, my mother formally introduced me to Nair, aisle 5 at the local Rea & Derrick. Nair was nice on the ride home, but once she 'opened up', I was quietly repulsed by her odor that I can still smell at the sound of her name. I tried to come up with a similar scent to compare, but there simply is none. But still...those leg's in the commercial...surely those girls were too nice to MUST work, my young naive mind concluded.
Apparently it does - on peach fuzz. I, however, was gifted with industrial strength hair follicles, and Nairy left me hairy. I was forced to work through my razor intimidation, and after a few nicked knees, felt much more confident in my navy gym shorts.
Little did I know during my initial visit at aisle 5 at Rea & Derrick that the rest of life I would find myself down the same road. If not at Rea & Derrick, it would be CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid...anywhere I knew Sally was waiting for me.
You may have heard of her.
My tried and true friend...
My tried and true friend...
Sally Hansen.
For the sake of my pride, I will not go into the specifics of how she has helped me retain my femininity and reign in the effects of my heredity and hormones...but I will say I have spent many hours alone with her at the vanities of my youth and adulthood , and she has always come through for me. The times I was so sure I would be mistaken for Tom Selleck, after just a few moments with her expertise sitting upon my upper lip, why, all fear dissipated upon leaving the confines of the bathroom (not to mention the 'happy high' I got from bleach inhalation during the process. 8 minutes was never enough time for me).
And so....
In the spirit of full disclosure, I have decided to reveal my All-Time Favorite Beauty Products Ever.
{Who cares??? you ask. I know. I wonder the same thing, and yet I continue typing.}
Jergen's Natural Glow--FIRMING
THE best lotion ever. Tan and tone(r) in a bottle? For less than $6??
How could I resist? I cannot. I only wish it came in wine vats.

Shick Xtreme 3 Comfort Plus.

I have tried many, but I keep coming back to LoriO.

Wet n' Wild Lipliner
in Brandywine 666. For .99 this liner has the perfect color (if not the perfect number!)
and I often wear it as a lipstick and blend it with gloss. A true staple in my purse...and rare day when my lips aren't pierced by it because it's not sharpened, but still worth the pain!

Here she is, my friend, Sally. Our partnership is now out in the open.

Head & Shoulders, Citrus Breeze, 2-in-1
No problemo with Dandruff here, but this shampoo does a humdinger of job on a scalp that suffers the abuse of product and electrical impulses every day

Has been a steady companion through many skin changes.

Bare Minerals Foundataion
Absolutely hands down favorite foundation of all time. And trust me, I need coverage. I need 'evenness', and since the first day I tried it (thank you, Diona!) I
have never felt the urge to stray.

There you have it.
All you never needed, and really did not want to know.
Shallow, mindless reading.
If that is what you were in need of upon stumbling through the door of the Coffee Cottage today, then by golly, I was happy to oblige.
PS. If you care to, please notify me if there is a product out there that I can simply not live without! I am not a woman who wakes up, pinches her checks, tousles her hair and dabs a dot of Vaseline on her lips. To the contrary...I need help. And lots of it.
•Oil of Olay Cleansing Cloths
•Shaper + Hair
•A&D Ointment (for WHATEVER ails you) burns, cuts, rashes, diaperrash ( I think I've conquered that now) etc!
•Calcium/magnesium capsules...2 at bedtime...2works wonders!!
Thank you for sharing your deep, dark secrets with us!
Love you,
Auntie Lou
I love this post; the Doris Day photo at the start is great! We have that movie ("The Thrill of it All") on VHS, and believe it or not, my kids like to watch it every now and then. Thanks for your list of faves. I will check out the mascara for sure. You had me chuckling about your German heritage and hair. My husband is all German, and my kids have the German hair that you talk about. One daughter has hair on her back, and the other has to have the five blade razors for leg hair! You are not alone, my friend:)
For some reason, I love stores like Walgreens and all of the beauty goodies available. It is always a treat to peruse the aisles hoping for that magical product--beauty in a jar. Well, here are a few of my faves: Witch Hazel--I use it morning and night as a toner.It tightens my pores and makes my skin "glow," for lack of a better word (as if aged and wrinkled fair skin can glow:) I don't use bare minerals products, but I love Estee Lauder's Lucidity (translucent loose powder) and Bronze Goddess soft matte bronzer. I know Estee's pricey, but these two products last a long time. My daughters like to use my bronzer, and we are all different shades of fair. Also, for hair, (I'm a chemically enhanced blond, if you know what I mean:) and in MN the frizzies/wavies are a major problem for hair that needs help like mine. Biolage Thermal Active Repair Gloss has helped with my curl/frizz problem (you only use a dab or two), and I can't go a day without Sebastian Shaper hair spray. For skin, another must have for me is Cosmedicine's Eye Cream with Light Diffusers. These are a few products that have helped me, and unfortunately, I do need help, lots of it!
Thanks for sharing your list:)
I was once a Merle Norman devotee, but this year my daughter talked me into trying Bare Minerals. Not only do I love the stuff, but it's so easy to apply! Yes!
I don't bleach it, I remove it. I don't understand why women start growing beards down the road. We gals all have an unspoken agreement; if you see any weird hairs growing where they shouldn't, please tell me or pull it out! And it drives me crazy when I'm talking to a gal I don't know well who needs to know that she has a white or black hair (or a bunch) sticking out of her chin! AAAUGHHJRU!
YOu certainly bring up some interesting subjects! :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Debi, i 'm going to try that Witch Hazel...if it makes me glow, that's all I need to hear.
Jergens Self Tanning - except I like the foaming kind, goes on smoother.
Lancome or Cover Girl Lash Blast(orange tube) Mascara
Sally Hanson Airbrush Legs(I use it on my whole body!)
Mary Kay Mineral Powder Foundation- it's really good too!
MAC Eyeshadow - doesn't budge!!
Broadway Nails - thank you Jeane'
Mary Kay Microdermabrasion Set - gives my face a glow!
Okay...I could go on, but I don't want people thinking I use more than lip gloss and some blusher everyday! heh heh :-/