Charlie Brown's Teacher and Me.

You remember Charlie Brown's teacher, right? She had an endless stream of words that spewed forth, namely "Wah Wah Wah Wah...". Perhaps was actually saying other words, but her students (and us!) only heard a constant droning sound that did nothing to enhance their lives.

Lately, I have been able to relate to the teacher. When I think of writing, all I hear in my head is "Wah Wah Wah Wah". The formation of crystal clear thoughts holding information that might benefit the reader is a process that is obscured by the fog of everyday living right now. Perhaps today or next month the fog will clear at the exact moment of inspiration to write and it will be lovely. Until that happens,
I am choosing not to subject anyone, even the most sympathetic of souls, to the monotone drone of a person who has so much, but really so little, to say.

As a small parting gift for even having the kindness to click on my blog's link, here is a little peek into my daily life:

 Don't Cry Over Cracked Eggs.

Thank you for stopping by!



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