The Heart of the Matter

Through the readings of various blog posts (good thoughts from Kate, Jaime and Keri) , I have been reminded of one of my favorite Divine promises.

It can be found in the first book of John in the Bible. Chapter three, verses eighteen through twenty.Here's what is says:

"Dear Children,
let us stop
just saying
we love each other;
let us
really show it
by our actions.
It is BY our actions
that we know we are living in the truth,
so we will be confident
when we stand before the Lord,
even if our hearts condemn us. 
(this next is my favorite part)
For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything."

 Do you ever, like me, get tired of thinking? Of trying to figure how and why you're feeling the way you are? I love how He eases the pressure of having to "have it all together" in terms of our heart here. The relationship between Creator and His lovingly created child can be so free of pretense, so intimate, so "come as you are". It is when I put people (and my cares of what they think) or even my own emotion in between God and I, that things get cloudy and uncertain from my perspective. Fortunately, He always, always, always has the clearest view of my heart-cloudy or clear though it may be. He knows the good, the bad and the ugly...and loves ALL of me in spite of it.

Happy Tuesday, friend!


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