The Drive-Thru's of Summer

SuMmEr TiMe DrIvE-tHrU's
We are privileged enough to live in an area that is boasts my favorite form of 'drive-thru' food. These humble stands are tucked around many a bend in the road and at the end of long lanes that lead back to the farms of the hard working folk that walk out their produce to sell. Most often, the children or their grandparents are there to accept payment for their bountiful harvest, but more times than you might think, there is also an 'honor system' box for the customer to leave their coins and bills in.

There is one farm we frequent more than the rest, as it is not only right down the street, but I also have formed a friendship with the lovely Lena who lives there. She has five children and her last two were twin boys (who are now in their twenties, i believe!). I love gleaning from her.

Sometimes we go searching for more farm stands, because it's after nap time, and the beginning of the 'full moon' period of every day (pre-dinner) and there is no other foreseeable way to contain them other than to strap them in their car seats and GO.
I pour myself a coffee drink, turn down the windows and turn up the radio...and if there aren't enough farm stands, I'll try to make the counting of cows sound like the newest, best form of fun EVER. Seeing as though most of them can only count to ten, twenty max, this pasttime usually peters out quickly.
(You might note the mascara that my little hurricane applied so beautifully, prompting this particular "Farm Stand Hunt".)
Under a tuft of shade that on the green
Stood whisp'ring soft, by a fresh fountain side
They sat them down; and after no more toil
Of their sweet gard'ning labour than suffic'd
To recommend cool zephyr, and made ease
More easy, wholesome thirst and appetite
More grateful, to their supper fruits they fell.

- John Milton


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