Simple Pleasures
This morning, I share with you a few
SiMpLe pLeAsUrEs
from our corner.
A tangible, beautiful expression of His care,
delivered by the hands of a friend.
Just was Friday!
Furry bedtime surprises
Brought home by the man who can
hardly resist a local livestock auction and
bunnies that go for $3.00 per pair of ears there.
Showing and telling.
(but they're more interested in stealing each other's Nuks).
A Child's Viewpoint
While we have to address taking mama's camera without asking,
it was interesting to see our world from their eyes...
The Discovery of Taking Your Own Picture
(but not taking your genius tendencies too seriously.)
Capturing A Moment That Some Day Will Be Missed.
Throw in the glow of morning sun streaming from the window, the instrumental praise music in the background and voila!...a warm and fuzzy moment in time is birthed.(but trust the most it lasted 60 seconds!)
Practice Making Perfect.
Skype Kisses.
Not nearly as sweet as the real thing,
but a far cry from nothing at all.
Emerging Independence.
"Annie, I've got to brush your hair. It looks like a rat's nest."
"BUT MOOOOMMMM, I can do it myself!!!" (sounding convincing. And 10 years older than her age of three).
"Ok, then. The brush is in the bathroom"
**5 minutes later**
"Annie, I thought I told you to br-"
Oh. Is that a butterfly clip nestled in her hair? Why yes. Yes, It is.
I can see she feels that she's done a fine job (even with the attitude on her face).
So I tell her how lovely her hair looks. (gulp).
For each hour that I wonder how I'll keep doing this mothering thing, when I feel like banging my head against a wall repeatedly...
...there are these small, yet profound, moments that hold sparkling, sweet GIFTS to be savored, to be appreciated and to be recognized as from His hand.
I hope you are able to find a few of your own today, my friend.
Oh, I am laughing so hard Steve had to come read the post to see what it was all about.
Which brings me to this last post. Your sweetie who thinks she's her own best hair stylist?! You better start practicing you own lines and filing them away for the day you have to convince her your choice is the best ie. more modest. I'm already dreading those moments with my two girls!!!
I love the boys' curls! and adjacent packn plays and sharing of nuks. This week I had a dental student try to convince me of the dangers of passing bacteria that create cavities by having a mother suck a dirty nuk and then giving it to her child. I seriously said to her, "you've never had twins!" The picture of the three monkeys on the kitchens chairs is precious and the 60 peaceful seconds were the ones before they turned the water on, I'm sure of it!