Matching Socks

There are days in which everything seems to go 'wrong' (in the loosest sense of the word).
Any thing (or one!) that can
get dirty,
be tripped over,
trickier to outsmart
will doubly be...
in front of my every step,
impossible to find,
 overly persistent

This morning as I had my head danging down at waist level while drying my hair, I noticed something quite unusual out in the adjoining laundry room that flew against the facts of the previous day (see above).

To most, it would be a sight of little to no significance.
To me, however, it was a teensy little household miracle.


Two, clean (you'll have to trust me on that one) MATCHING pairs of socks that fell out of the dryer TOGETHER.

There are so few things this side of Heaven that fall into place perfectly, that when you catch even the most minute of miracles, they are worth noting and being thankful for.

* For those of you who strive for perfection in all that you do, it must have made your toes curl to look at this picture of both the whites and colors mingling together in my dryer. For that, I apologize. I hope we can still be friends).

On another note, SPRING is ON IT'S WAY!!!!
I, for one, am quite happy for this seasonal change.
(While I would like to say the above picture is taken from my personal 'potting shed', it was rather a favorite picture from my newest issue of Country Living magazine.)
If you would like to enter to win a fanciful, fun and Spring-inspired giveaway, just click HERE and enter away!

Here's to matching socks, spring at our doorstep and other such Heavenly winks!


Diana B. said…
Awesome sweet little post. I love these little "Godwinks"
Sarah said…
I'm with you Jeane- my whites and colors are almost always mixed.
Also, I really get a lot out of reading your observations on life.
You are wonderful.
I love how you see life, and how you notice the little gifts from heaven. Just think how sad it would have been had those little together socks, would have gone unnoticed. As for the darks and whites together...well, I am learning(with some difficulty) to let things like that go. With your busy life, I can't imagine how you have time to even do laundry. I like this post so much! What a fun giveaway.
Terri said…
Ha! I am getting down on my knees tonight and begging God to send me about 30 pairs of YOUR miracle in front of my dryer!!! I am reluctant to admit I have a LAUNDRY basket full of YEARS worth of single socks!!!
By the need to read "One Thousand Gifts" me! You've already counted #1!!!
Mother of Pearl said…
You will find no laundry condemnation here. I don't sort any laundry. I throw it all in together and wash it on cold.

As for the coming of spring - it is that most lovely time of the year when the grass greens up and the trees are still bare. I just love the way the woods look like that!
Fan said…
I love that the socks were there, but I really love it that you noticed! Most of us are running too fast to pay attention to sweet little "gifts" like this!
Anonymous said…
Mixing the whites and colors might be a deal breaker for me, but you and Elias can still be great friends.
A friend of mine was just telling me that she spent years being frustrated at losing socks in the laundry. Then one day her husband discovered a rat's nest hidden in their basement. The entire,nasty nest consisted of random socks and underwear that the rats had pulled from her nearby laundry to build their home. Wow, that is one gross story.
Kathy said…
I always mix whites and colors. There is so much wash to do in my house that I would spend hours sorting things. Maybe someday...

I have a big plastic bag full of "one of a kind" socks. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised and find a match. The other day I found a match to a sock that has been in that bag for 2 years. So where has that other sock been all this time?

Love your observations on life. God is so good to us to even match our socks for us!

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