My Big Dream

Today I posed this question on a Facebook Post:

"When you "dream big", what are you doing in that dream?"

I begged that any responders would, for Heaven's sake, forsake being modest in their answers. Gratefully, they were. It made for inspiring reading.

"Heaven's Sake" is a familiar tag-on sentence similar to "Come 'on!". I could have also written "For goodness sakes!". I chose "for heaven's sake" because I meant "for the sake of Heaven", do not assume that what is laying in wait in your heart is too big. 

My friend Sarah asked me in return what I'm doing in my "big dream". The answer is, know what I desire the outcome to be, but i do not know the specifics of how I will do this. Perhaps, it will just be living the dream day to day as God provides opportunity.

Here is what makes my heart sing, and fuels my dreams :

 I believe God created us each with our own very unique temperament (personality) and He never, ever intended us to be herded around like cattle, from one program to the next, too busy being "plugged in" to realize we are disconnected from adventure. Walking down cattle chutes until we die, just to wake up in Heaven so we can sing for eternity is NOT what the God I love intends for His children. If He had wanted mindless robots, we would have all come off the shelf as R2-D2's with skin on. Every day of my life my dream is to inspire individuality, to expose conformity for the dull drumbeat it mindlessly causes those in it's clutches to shuffle to. 

It truly makes me sad to see people just going along with the American Christian Lifestyle, only looking into what breaks God heart on a Sunday service with a particular emphasis or not having time to explore their personality and consider that maybe the desires in their heart aren't frivolous, but meant to inspire them to take the next step towards live life to it's fullest.

In my dreams, I am cheerleading Christ-followers in the cause of non-conformity...not just from this world, but from each other. God did not create the world in hues of beige. He made it bursting with color, with nuance, with texture, with deep ravines and jagged mountaintops. Why do we live with such a dull purpose in such a grand landscape? What makes us think it's honkey dorey with Him that we traipse along, living our life lost in a Christian crowd? I can not see the scenario where He's satisfied with that for me. Or you.

You are who you are, your dreams are your dreams, ON PURPOSE. This is what I somehow help people see when I dream big. My hope is to remind myself and my friends that who we are now, even the desires we have now will not die when our bodies do. Those desires are planted in intangible soil and might start to open on this side of Heaven, but will open to their fullest on the other. There is a whole eternity waiting for us to carry out BIG, WAY BIGGER dreams than we were able to conceive here with our limited vision. For the sake of Heaven, hang on to what your heart longs to do. Chances are, you will find yourself doing it.



Test said…
LOVE your heart. Amen!!!!!!!!!

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