Under My Breath

 Tonight as I started the post-children's bedtime shift of sorting, scrubbing and other boring items off the household management checklist, a thought was quietly spoken to me. These kinds of thoughts are from Above and they do not always require vast amounts of time in solitude and yoga-position prayers. Thank goodness they do not. They can still pop their way through the fast-paced surface of my non-stop domestic landscape. 

The quiet voice said this:

Jeane`, my dear.
You complain.
A lot.
I know your job is hard, and you are allowed to be tired 
and you do not have to pretend to love every aspect of it.
However, you complain more every day.
You do it under your breath, 
and you have done it so much,
it has almost become a part of your breathing. 
I am not offended, but rather I am saddened for you because 
your complaining is dimishing from the fullness of life
that I have in mind for you, 
for all my children.
So tuck in your heart this word that you sang as a child, 
write it on the walls (chalkboard) of your home this week
and let me help you change 
your breathing pattern to 
not include so much whine-scented exhaling.

Oh. One more thing.
As a bonus, replacing a complaint with gratitude will also help your children SEE what you MEAN when you YELL tell them  to cease and desist in all their whining.  


Thus, tonight begins a week of concentrating my focus on more purely breathing. For while my murmurings were whispers to me, they reverberated in off heart, straight to the halls of Heaven. Feel free to ask me mid-week how it's going!


  Do everything without grumbling or arguing,  so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. 
Philippians 2:14-16 

Thank you for stopping by The Coffee Cottage~


Unknown said…
Beautiful. Needed this tonight!!
Unknown said…
Beautiful. Thank you so much for posting this. I really appreciated it - I will start this week with the same humble aspiration - less whining!!

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